DeSantis Rallies for Trump Candidates in Arizona

Florida Man Ron DeSantis was in Arizona on Sunday night, at a Turning Point USA rally for Kari Lake and Blake Masters, Trump-endorsed candidates for governor and U.S. Senate.

While both candidates are election deniers, the focus of the rally was on party unity against Democrats, and DeSantis was introduced to the crowd with the Hulk Hogan theme song, “Real American,” blaring.

Kari Lake’s introduction focused on what she perceived as a Trumply quality that DeSantis shared with the Election Denier-in-Chief.

DeSantis pulled out some BDE against President Biden, including mocking his coronavirus infection.

  •  “How many times did he test positive for COVID? Hopefully we don’t have a case of Long Biden,” DeSantis joked.
  • He then played the pandemic-related greatest hits, from Faucian dystopia to the Free State of Florida and “the woke mind virus.”
  • DeSantis also promised to cooperate with Lake on border control. “If you’re willing to put people at the border,” DeSantis said he told Lake, “I’m willing to send National Guard to help.”

DeSantis then turned to the DOJ’s “raid” on Mar-a-Lago and the weaponization of Biden’s federal government against political opponents.

Those greatest hits invoked the GOP’s political enemies, Hillary Clinton and Hunter Biden.

“What I hope we see if Republicans take majorities is use the power that you have under the Constitution to bring accountability to a bureaucracy that’s totally off the rails,” said DeSantis.

Interestingly enough, DeSantis never touched on his own political weaponization against his detractors, including a raid by Florida law enforcement at the home of Rebekah Jones, a former Florida Department of Health data scientist.

But someone clever created a fake video that was being shared on Twitter (until it may eventually be removed), in which a Sean Hannity segment was pieced together with a DeSantis segment. DeSantis is shown in the mash-up defending the intrusive search at the home of Rebekah Jones in 2020.

*Note the disclaimer on the tweet distinguishing the video clip as manipulated media.

FloridaPolitics, The Hill