Rand Paul Wants Democratic Senate Candidate Disqualified for Joking About Rand’s Neighbor

Kentucky Senator Rand Paul said Democratic Senate candidate Mike Franken, who is facing Republican Chuck Grassley in Iowa, should be disqualified from holding office for celebrating the assault Paul faced from his neighbor.

“Wasn’t Rand’s neighbor more than a little in the right?” 

Senator Paul was apparently having flashbacks about the comment Franken made in January 2021 regarding an attack Paul suffered from neighbor Rene Boucher in 2017. Boucher said he snapped over Paul’s habit of piling trash on their shared property line.

Paul suffered broken ribs, lung problems, and lingering pain from the attack.

Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton concurred.

The Iowa Des Moines Register report from last week said Grassley had a narrow three-point lead over the Democrat Franken, the toughest fight Grassley has had for reelection in 40 years.

Grassley, 89, is seeking his eighth term in the Senate this year. Franken, 64, is a retired U.S. Navy admiral. 
