Ohio Pair Arrested After Shot Fired In Argument Over Buttermilk

Hammond and Kadvan, or the other way around

YOUNGSTOW, Ohio (WKBN) — Two men Saturday were booked into the Mahoning County Jail on charges of felonious assault after reports said a knife was pulled and a shot fired in an argument over buttermilk. Jeffrey Kadvan, 49 and Abraham Hammond, 67, are both expected to be arraigned Monday in municipal court.

When officers got there, Hammond was sitting in a chair by the front door, reports said, and police were told that Hammond had fired a shot at Kadvan.

Hammond told police that he fired a warning shot at Kadvan after Kadvan attacked him with a knife because Hammond drank some of Kadvan’s buttermilk without permission, reports said. Hammond said he had a gun and it was under the cushion of the chair he was sitting in, reports said. The gun, a .22-caliber Colt Woodsman semiautomatic pistol, was last produced in 1977.

Bad Shoot

When police tried to get the gun from under the cushion, where it was tucked in tightly, reports said a round was fired. Police collected the shell, bagged it for evidence, reports said, along with the gun and knife.


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