Happy Monday News viewers, welcome to our Monday Free Chat here at News Views……an open forum to talk about topics of interest, whatever they may be — of course, good manners, civility, respect, are important, and since Free Range often has an environmental bent, we look to our animal colleagues for direction….
At least they don’t have guns…..if humans had eight arms and got ticked off enough to exercise their god given right to fire at will (per the Constitution, ya know), the planet would be leveled. At least Octopi only have mollusks to hurl at each other….
Not that we’re going to throw things at each other here during our Daily Free Chat, but the exchange of words? The meeting of minds through cool and sometimes made up vocab? The sharing of solutions, ideas, memories, puns and BRILLIANCE? Sounds like a plan, as they say, they being our critter colleagues. . . . (So THIS is what they do when no one is looking :-). Tell us what’s going on with you this a.m., NV world…..