According to a copy of the sworn probable cause affidavit obtained by Law&Crime, an officer at the Electra Police Department on Thursday, Dec. 1 was watching the station’s security camera footage when he observed “someone putting something outside the front” of the station, located in the 100 block of East Cleveland Avenue. The officer then went to the area in question to investigate.
“He went outside to see what was going on and discovered three, 5-gallon buckets of what appeared to be human waste,” the affidavit states. “He saw a person in an all-white haz-mat suit with a yellow mask walking back to a tan SUV with a trailer. He attempted to ask what they were doing and a female stated that the buckets were human shit and she was dropping them off. She then got in the vehicle and drove off.”
The officer went back inside of the police station and informed his supervising officer of the encounter. The supervising officer, a lieutenant, reviewed the security footage and allegedly “recognized the voice as being Mindy Stephens’ voice.”
Mindy Janette Stephens was arrested and charged with illegal dumping.
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Chief of Police Terry Wooten contacted City Administrator Steve Bowlin and explained what had just happen due to Mindy being the Assistant Fire Chief‘s wife and Steve being a Fireman also. He stated he would call and request she come pick up the buckets or that she could face charges. At approximately 5:23 pm Steve Bowlln called Lt. Kelmer and stated he was sending a wastewater employee to pick up the buckets up due to the fact Mindy called him and refused to retrieve the buckets. stating it was not her problem