Doctors Who Touted Horse Paste as Covid Fix Now Pushing it For Flu, RSV


First the group of doctors championed ivermectin as a covid panacea. It failed to live up to the hype. Now, they’re promoting the anti-parasitic to prevent and treat the flu and RSV. ( Respiratory syncytial virus )

The Front Line Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance, formed in 2020 to “prevent and treat covid,” is touting ivermectin for common respiratory infections amid a dramatic drop in prescriptions for the drug as clinical trials undermined claims of its efficacy against covid.

There is no clinical data in humans to support using ivermectin for flu or RSV, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and other medical experts. And yet, the alliance publishes “treatment protocols” promoting the use of ivermectin for flu, RSV and covid that it says have been downloaded more than a million times. It also recommends a network of hundreds of medical providers and pharmacies that can provide prescriptions for ivermectin, often through virtual visits that can run hundreds of dollars.

The alliance’s co-founders Pierre Kory❋,a Wisconsin critical care doctor, and Paul Marik❋❋, whose medical license expired in 2022 according to Virginia licensing records, declined through the alliance’s spokesman to be interviewed. Marik said through the spokesman that he chose not to renew his license.



❋ Pierre Kory, MD claimed that taking ivermectin would prevent people from getting COVID. Guess who contracted COVID – yup Pierre Kory. He then said to double the dose of horse paste. He is worm-free however.


❋❋ Dr. Paul Marik resigned from his position as professor of medicine and chief of pulmonary and critical care medicine at Eastern Virginia Medical School in Norfolk over the horse paste debacle. Sentara Hospital suspended his duties in the ICU.


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