Last Call: March 25, 2023

Good evening, News Viewers, and welcome to the weekend.

I’m going to make it short and sweet tonight because we’re going out to dinner. We need a night out of the house and just to unwind. It was a pretty jacked up week. I told you guys last Saturday my boy dog wasn’t doing well but his vitals were good. We made an appointment for Monday to have him thoroughly checked out but on Sunday, my husband rushed him to the ER because he got worse. The vet diagnosed him with stage 4 kidney disease and gave him one month to live.

Monday…was just awful; he was really in bad shape and we ended up putting him to sleep that night. So, needless to say, it’s been a rough week for all of us…14 years (in about a week) we had him and it’s just so odd not having him around or right next to me while I’m typing this like he would be. So, tonight—a nice dinner and a glass or two of wine is what is on my agenda.

Enjoy what’s left of the weekend and stay safe!

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