Steve Bannon Ignored the January 6 Commitee Subpoena, Then Ignored the Legal Bills

Steve Bannon ignored the January 6 Committee’s subpoena to testify before Congress about his involvement in the violent MAGA mob at the Capitol, and in doing so racked up legal bills of more than $600,000.

Most of them have gone unpaid.

His choice also cost him a conviction and a four-month jail sentence if his appeal fails.

Bannon could have chosen to appear and plead the Fifth, but instead he hired his lawyer, Robert Costello, to write letters to the committee and federal prosecutors.

Costello’s firm, Davidoff Hutcher & Citron, has now submitted its accounting records into the court file, as lawsuits began in February for non-payment of $480,487.

Those court filings show billings for nearly $6,000 per day from Costello, and in full amounting to $601,000.

Over 71 pages reveal that Bannon continually fell behind on his bills, despite being bankrolled by a Chinese billionaire. Bannon stopped paying before his federal trial, and hasn’t paid a cent since losing.

Costello has ripped him by affidavits saying he continued to work for Bannon despite his client not staying in touch, and the client’s unwillingness to respond in a timely manner throughout the relationship.

Daily Beast