Judge ‘Cancels’ Hunter Biden’s Plea Deal; Pleads Not Guilty to Charges

A plea deal struck by Hunter Biden for failing to pay his taxes fell apart on Wednesday after a disagreement arose about a separate gun charge.

Biden pleaded not guilty.

At Issue:

  • Whether the gun charge was tied to the plea deal.
  • If there were more serious charges that could still be brought and the prosecutors and Hunter Biden’s lawyer both said there were not.
  •  if the investigation was ongoing, to which U.S. Attorney David Weiss of Delaware, responded that it was, but said he could not share any further details.

The original deal included that prosecutors would recommend probation for the tax violations, while a separate felony gun charge would be dropped if Biden met certain conditions laid out in court. The terms of Hunter Biden’s sentencing will be decided at a later date.  

Biden faced a separate gun charge, for illegally owning a Colt Cobra .38 Special handgun. The Justice Department, however, said he had reached a pretrial agreement that most likely means that, under certain conditions, the case may be wiped from his record. 

This is the first time the DoJ has brought forth charges against the child of a sitting president. 

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WTF, America?! What the actual F?!