Kid Rock Caught Sucking Down a Bud Light

There’s bad news to report for Kid Rock fans and Bud Light detractors after Kid Rock was seen swilling down Bud Light at a concert in Nashville Thursday night.

The Ultra MAGA dirt bag prompted a boycott of Anheuser-Busch by shooting up a case of Bud Light with an AR-style rifle and spewing expletives when Bud Light offered a single commemorative can to Dylvan Mulvaney. The anti-cancel, uncultured MAGA crowd promptly did as they were told, and canceled Bud Light.

That’s right, the same guy who exclaimed, “F*** Bud Light and f*** Anheuser-Busch” a few months ago was at Skydeck in Nashville Thursday night, taking in Colt Ford’s show, and drinking a Bud Light.

Daily Beast, Detroit Metro Times