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Updates: Governor Shutdown
House GOP stunner: Spending patch passes with mostly Dem votes
“We’re tired of f–king around with these whack jobs,” one House Republican said as Kevin McCarthy risked a far-right rebellion aimed at taking his gavel.
“There was an outcry from rank-and-file that want a [continuing resolution]. We’re tired of fucking around with these whack jobs. They voted against it yesterday, so let’s just put up a clean CR,” said Rep. Don Bacon (R-Neb.), among those who had repeatedly pushed for the speaker to ignore his right flank.
President Biden/Biden Administration:
The Environment:
2024 Election:
TFG and His Criminal Cartel’s Mounting Legal Woes:
The Worst, Stupidest, and Most Deplorable People in the World:
How to Trigger an Ignorant, Malignant, Illiterate, Racist, and ‘Fullish’ MAGAt: