While surfing the web, checking out my favorite sources and people on X (formerly known as Twitter), I ran across some Fake News, and stupid, ignorant, racist, and moronic stuff post that Wing Nuts/RWNJs/MAGAts/Listless Vessels posted. And since we seemed to have some fun in the past commenting on the dumbass stuff these dumbasses post and believe, I thought we could do again and have even more fun.
Please feel free to play along and interact by sharing some ridiculous nonsense that only a Wing Nut/RWNJ/MAGAt/Listless Vessels would say AND believe. It’s truly incredible how and what these people ‘think’ and do. But in reality, it’s actually pretty scary.
Rep. Santos faces new charges he stole donor IDs, made unauthorized charges to their credit cards
U.S. Rep. George Santos stole the identities of donors to his campaign and then used their credit cards to ring up tens of thousands of dollars in unauthorized charges, according to a new indictment filed Tuesday.
He then wired some of the money to his own personal bank account, prosecutors said, while using the rest to inflate his campaign coffers.
The 23-count indictment replaces one filed in May against the New York Republican charging him with embezzling money from his campaign and lying to Congress about his wealth, among other offenses.
And he runs away like a little bitch:
Then There’s Uncle Tim:
This is the Definition of Your Brain on MAGAt:

Always Remember-No, It’s NOT too Early: