Good evening, News Viewers, and welcome to the weekend.
Yes, I’m a week early but I thought I would get a jump on Halloween movies only because….this weekend, Apple TV will allow you to watch “It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown.” You can no longer watch it on our public airways since Apple bought the rights to series but, they’re being ‘generous’ this weekend and will let you watch the classic for free. Enjoy it with the kids, grandkids, or just be a kid yourself for a day and enjoy.

And if innocent fun is not your thing, Good Housekeeping, (of all rags), has a list of, 80 Best Halloween Movies of All-Time: From the scariest classics to fun kids’ movies, watch these when you’re in the mood for a fright.
I’m not into slasher/massacre movies; they just don’t interest me. I do like movies that are just weird, or at least, have a plot, like The Shining, but that’s not the best example since, yeah, a bit of slashing going on. But it did have a plot and some classic lines.
Then there’s Carrie and her Fundie Freak mom:
So, do you have any favorite Halloween movies you care to share with the rest of the class?
Or, just feel free to chit and chat amongst yourselves. Enjoy the rest of the weekend and stay safe.