MTG Is Trashing Lauren Boebert as a ‘Whore’ to GOP Colleagues ‼️

Pot Calls Kettle Black

After Rep. Lauren Boebert helped get Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene kicked out of the House Freedom Caucus over the summer, Greene has been on a payback mission against her former-friend-turned-nemesis. And after a date at Beetlejuice The Musical turned into a national conversation about groping, Greene has resorted to a playbook familiar to any woman who survived high school: She’s telling GOP colleagues, according to lawmakers, that Boebert is a “whore.”

One Republican lawmaker, who has heard Greene use that word multiple times to describe Boebert, told The Daily Beast that Greene has been at this campaign for some time. “Calling her a whore, that’s not new,” this GOP lawmaker said. “She’s been doing that for a while.” Another GOP lawmaker also witnessed Greene refer to Boebert as a “whore.”

When The Daily Beast asked Greene about these accusations this week, the Georgia Republican didn’t deny them. Instead, she went on a tirade against this reporter. “Why are you working on a story?” she asked. “Because you like to write trash, you just can’t help yourself.”

Don’t miss a thing. Much more at THE DAILY BEAST

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