Free Chat Friday, Week 47

Howdy News viewers on this “Black Friday”, the awful marketing ADdled day that comes with the notion that acquiring even more worthless merchandise to stuff in our closets and cabinets and everlasting garbage heaps is a sudden necessity. . . .

And in light of today’s politics? “Wars and rumors of wars”, global disasters, the phenom of Trump and his marching band, pestilence and disease across the land, and that uncontrollable sense that our own personal trains are jumping the tracks, what are we to do?

I say we do what we did yesterday here at the News Views corner and gather here at this place we’ve gathered day after day to chat about solutions, options, insights, delusions, boxes to think outside of and future plans. Oh and as we relax, drink our coffee and toss around ideas, we should include cats, dogs and movies and above all, how we spend our days constructing and not destructing.

Yesterday we came and went between food breaks to talk about what we were grateful for, what we were avoiding, and what obnoxious relatives were coming over to hog the pie.

Today on this Friday, more of the same, this is our Free Chat and you know what to do — the rules reside with our community guidelines — check them out if you have questions, and tell us all about what’s going on in your corner of the galaxy.. . . .oh and Happy HOLIDAYS people. . . . .