I would say “Happy Friday’ but is it a Happy Friday REALLY? Does a world which looks like the cartoon below look happy? “Triumphant Heffalump in an ocean of guns,” — that’s what I’m entitling said toon — one vivid drawing full of many warring elements. It doesn’t go together If we look at it piece by piece, e.g this Republican, that shiny suit, this Sopranos cufflink, a pistol, a long gun, a projectile of some kind, ammo aimed and ammo fired. .. . . .you get the picture. One picture, no words, says more than we want to hear.

Welcome to Friday’s Free Chat at News Views, where there are plenty of pictures, plenty of words,plenty of ways to chat about the heavy and the light, the big and the small, the fundamentalist and the fluid, and all the topics fit to print…………..

For what it’s worth, I’ve just changed my mind about this Friday. It may be a Happy One after all. It’s never too late for an epiphany and there is room for one now.
What IS SHE talking about? you my be asking, , , , , You may remember that one day recently we had National Cookie Day. As I wrote a comment about cookies and their many complications, the comment became longer and longer, convoluted and non-sensical, faux philosophical and by the end I suddenly had an multi-layered understanding of the meaning of life (and bizarrely, the movie Thelma and Louise as it relates to the field of feminism specifically and gender dynamics in general.]
The Hell you say…….
So to make a long story tedious, as they say, I decided to make the most of my epiphany and make today a happy one irrespective of world events. After getting a reply to my Cookie Day comment, something to the effect of “You may have put way too much energy into this cookie issue, just saying. . . . ” I thought to myself “self, you have no life, this is the problem.”
THEN I had my epiphany and thought “self, cookies are what you SHOULD be thinking too much about; much better than thinking about the usual — Donald, Mike Johnson, Liz, global warming, the exploding sun and red algae. ETC, ETC.

Conclusion? It can be a Happy Friday after all , News Viewers, what’s bad is bad, but that’s not the whole story, because . . . . COOKIES. . . . . So what’s going on in your own worlds? Let’s talk about it. . . . .’