TFG Tells the Truth For Once: Tells His KKKult 98% of Them Would Fail that ‘Bigly’ Cognitive Test

‘There’s only about 2% of this room that can do it.’

In a very rare, blue moon type moment, TFG told the truth! During a ‘Commit to Caucus’ rally in Nevada, TFG told the room packed with his hate filled KKKultists only 2% of them could pass that ‘bigly’ test meant to detect cognitive decline. The test asks the participant to name pictures of animals and according to the disgraced, for president, it was ‘not easy.’

As of late, President Drink Bleach has confused numerous events; so, bringing up this bigly test and the fact he passed it proves he’s not in cognitive decline…well to him and his KKKult.

For example, “he appears to believe he’s won every presidential election in the last two decades, instead of that one electoral college-based win against Hillary Clinton in 2016. During a campaign stop in South Carolina, Trump spun out a whole story about defeating a famous military leader named ‘Bush.'”  In all fairness, he did beat a Bush in the 2016 primaries but it was Jeb!, not W.

“Before bragging about besting two-term winner George W. Bush, Trump gave another speech boasting about his imaginary win against another two-termer, President Barack Obama. ‘With Obama, we won an election that everyone said couldn’t be won,’ he prattled on in a speech in Washington, D.C. last week. In the same speech, he confused Obama with President Joe Biden, and warned that, if he didn’t win in 2024, we would enter ‘World War II,’ which famously ended the year before Trump himself was born.”

Telling his KKKult that only 2% of them would pass Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) was the extent of TFG’s truthfulness. According to Ziad Nasreddine, the Canadian neurologist who invented the test, said the assessment — intended primarily to test for signs of dementia or other cognitive decline — has never once included a drawing of a whale and the does not measure intelligence or intellect.

“I don’t think we have a version with a whale,” said Nasreddine, who added there are three versions of the test currently in circulation.

TFG also told his KKKult in New Hampshire and repeated it in Nevada that the test had some mathematics question (McMath!) that was very bigly hard; however, the question doesn’t exist. In addition, people do not normally ‘request’ a cognitive test. It is administered when there are concerns about someone’s cognitive abilities or…decline.

Just to be clear:

Physicians said the test is frequently performed during annual wellness visits or when there’s a specific reason to check mental acuity.

“I would do this [test] for older adults and for those where I have concerns about cognitive decline,” said Ishani Ganguli, a primary care physician at Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Women’s Hospital, who said she’s administered the test to patients for about a decade.

Ganguli said that her team often administers an abbreviated version of a cognition test — no animal naming — as a standard screening for patients who are 65 years or older, and performs the full test when a patient, a patient’s family or someone else has raised concerns.

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