Happy Friday, News Viewers, this the 8th week, the 8th Friday, the 54th day of 2024, a year that has 366 days and a February 29th. By all accounts, this is a regular old Friday in a regular old year while at the same time being a month and a year which are irregular and one dang day too long. . . .
If we haven’t been counting with numbers, then we feel this messed up time flow in other ways — we sneeze too much, the coffee doesn’t taste right, we spend day after day responding to “notification” bleeps from cell phones thinking “this 20 billionth notification might be the important one. . .” Our keys turn up in the refrigerator and our nerves are shot.

This is a loopy time, a time we look around and say WTF? more than we used to, a time when fashion is then, hoodies are now (still) and we go back and forth when it comes to our irritation at the humans in our lives. Then we get up an do it again, amen. Was the House of Cards (which is our country) falling down the last Leap Year? I paid no attention, therefore, I forgot to remember. . . .

Welcome to our Friday free chat where no matter what weirdness is floating around on the airwaves, we can talk about it or talk about anything but IT, with civility being our go-to rule. So fill us in, what’s going on in your universe?