Matt Gaetz Served With Subpoena In Lawsuit Involving Woman He is Alleged to Have Had Sex With When She Was 17

Florida Man Matt Gaetz was served a subpoena to sit for a deposition on Thursday in a civil lawsuit involving the woman he is alleged to have had sex with when she was a minor.

The deposition is scheduled for April 5. Gaetz could be asked under oath about his alleged sexual activity with the woman when she was a minor at 17.

The subpoena was issued by lawyers for the woman (known in the filings as A.B.) who is named in a defamation and racketeering civil lawsuit brought by Gaetz’s longtime friend, former Florida House member and lobbyist Chris Dorworth, against the woman and Joel Greenberg (also a friend of Gaetz).

Joel Greenberg pleaded guilty in 2021 to several federal crimes and vowed to cooperate with the DOJ’s investigation into Gaetz and others.

In February, Greenberg’s lawyers provided the House Ethics Committee documents linked to Greenberg’s claims that he witnessed the sexual encounter.

In a filing to dismiss the lawsuit, A.B.’s lawyers wrote:

"Mr. Dorworth seeks to recast A.B. as Mr. Greenberg's partner in crime and a participant in a conspiracy to destroy Mr. Dorworth's reputation ... the Complaint improperly seeks to preempt any claims A.B. may have against Mr. Dorworth for raping and trafficking her by making a threadbare request for expansive declaratory judgment."

Greenberg’s attorney Fritz Scheller wrote that the lawsuit “approaches the incredible, if not ludicrous.”

In Gaetz’s 2021 interview with Fox News, Carlson asked the congressman, “They’re saying there is a 17-year-old girl who you had a relationship with — is that true? Who is this girl?”

“The person doesn’t exist,” Gaetz replied. “I have not had a relationship with a 17-year-old, that is totally false.”