When TFG Goes Low, President Biden Gets Under His Thin, Orange Skin

Michelle Obama offered some lofty advice during the 2016 election urging people to go high when GQP assholes go low. In an normal world, that would great and the right thing to do but our politics are anything but normal since a Black man entered the White House and caused a bunch of racists to freak out, which resulted in the election of TFG. President Biden appears to get it; that we must fight fire with fire and he’s doing just that.

Biden’s latest campaign strategy: Get under Trump’s skin

The president is increasingly turning to personal, biting and often sarcastic broadsides against his 2024 Republican opponent.

“This is him, and we’re following his lead,” one Biden aide said. “There’s just something about Joe Biden that gets under Donald Trump’s skin more than anybody, and I think Joe Biden knows that.”

In recent weeks, President Biden has commented on TFG’s grossly, obese physique, his legal and money woes, and the fact TFG is a loser, or ‘looser,’ if you’re an illiterate moron.

The GQP also have their panties in bunch over International Transgender Day of Visibility and the annual White House Easter Egg Roll. Watch below:

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WTF, America?! What the actual F?!