Trumpenfuhrer Promises to Release a Comprehensive Policy on Birth Control

Will it be in Two Weeks, Sir??

During a new interview on Tuesday, Trump said he was looking at a comprehensive policy on birth control to be released soon.

The interviewer in Pittsburgh asked Trumpenfuhrer if he supported any restrictions on the rights to contraception.

“We’re looking at that and I’m going to have a policy on that very shortly and I think it’s something you’ll find interesting,” Trump said. “I think it’s a smart decision. We’ll be releasing it very soon.”

He also praised the Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe v. Wade during the same interview.

“We did something that everybody wanted … we got rid of Roe v. Wade, which brought it back to the states,” Trump said, later adding: “It’s brought this issue, and it’s really calmed it down.”

Reached for comment Tuesday, a Trump campaign official said that in the same interview, Trump said he “would be making his announcement regarding mifepristone in the near future,” referring to one of the two drugs used for medication abortions whose fate is currently in the hands of the Supreme Court. He also claimed that “President Trump has never advocated for restrictions on contraceptives.”

Pressed if that meant he would support states if they wanted to ban certain forms of birth control, including the morning-after pill, Trump did not answer directly but said he would be releasing more details “within a week or so.”


Later on Tuesday, Trumpenfuhrer tried to put the toothpaste back in the tube.

“Women across the country are already suffering from Donald Trump’s post-Roe nightmare, and if he wins a second term, it’s clear he wants to go even further by restricting access to birth control and emergency contraceptives,” Biden campaign spokeswoman Sarafina Chitika said in a statement.