Today’s blog will consist of both news and a free chat of sorts. As usual, post the headlines we may have missed and feel free to chit and chat and enjoy one another’s company!
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Weekend Wrap Up: February 19, 2023
With so much going on in our world, we sometimes miss important issues. Please feel free to share any headlines or new developments we may have missed providing they come from reliable and credible sources. MORE
Talko Tuesday: September 19, 2023
Good morning, News Viewers and Happy Tuesday. Are you ready for fall? September 23, 2023 marks the best season of the year (for me) followed by spring. Since I like the cold and heat about MORE
Free Range Free Chat
After spending over a week in American Samoa in May, 93-year-old Joy Ryan had set a world record becoming the oldest woman to visit all 63 national parks. Over the past eight years, she and MORE