According to Oklahoma State Senator Shane Jett banning the use of corporal punishment on students with disabilities is some evil ‘socialist’ concept that violates scripture.
"Whoever spares the rod hates the child," Senator Shane Jett, R-Shawnee, said on the senate floor. "But those who love their children care enough to discipline them. How does the Senator rectify a protected class of children who are quite capable of misbehaving, but not allowed a uniform method of discipline that is already authorized by their parents?"
Oklahoma legislatures have battled over the use of corporal punishment for over a year. The debate to continue this barbaric practice or ban it all together centers around the Bible and deeply held religious beliefs…but of course! Apparently, parents could ‘opt in’ if they want their children beaten but House Bill 1028 hat passed the Senate on Tuesday removed that opt-in amendment, prohibiting corporal punishment for disabled children in all scenarios.
Senator Dave Rader brought the revised version to the Senate floor.
"If we can't shield that child, then shame on us," he said while debating with Sen. Shane Jett.
Eleven legislators voted against HB 1028 but it eventually passed 31-11. Sen. Blake “Cowboy” Stephens offered this about the alleged ‘socialist’ plot to ban corporal punishment on children with disabilities:
"I think we're taking away something that parents desire for their children to grow up and be good citizens," said Sen. Blake "Cowboy" Stephens, R-Tahlequah. "I just think we're going down the wrong road."