Rick Gates Sentenced, Judge Has Much to Say About the Facts

Rick Gates was sentenced to 45 days in jail and three years of probation on Tuesday for his role in helping Paul Manafort conceal $75 million in foreign banks for Ukraine lobbying. Judge Amy Berman Jackson had additional comments on the Russia investigation, having seen more details than the public and even the witnesses.  She also presided over Roger Stone’s case and others resulting from the Mueller investigation.

  • Thanks to Gates’ testimony, there was ample evidence to authorize the opening of an investigation of coordination between the Trump campaign and foreign actors.
  • Bank records themselves were evidence of a crime, and the media reported actual facts, not alleged facts, alternative facts, nor a biased narrative.
  • Manafort’s and Gates’ deliberate attempt to obscure facts undermines democracy. 
  • Politics don’t corrupt people, people corrupt politics.  The swamp wouldn’t exist without greedy, dishonest people.
  • Gates provided firsthand information based on his personal knowledge including meetings he attended and conversations, and records of them, between individuals associated with the campaign and individuals associated with Russia and Ukraine.  Polling data was shared with Russian and Ukrainian oligarchs, including firsthand information about a certain meeting about dirt on Hillary Clinton.
  • Gates’ contributions warranted and demanded further investigation in the name of national security and enforcement of the law.

Source CNN here and here.