LETTUCE PREY: UK venue cancels Franklin Graham’s appearance: ‘We can’t allow hatred to go unchallenged’

A representative of ACC Liverpool, the venue owner, issued the following statement.

“Over the past few days we have been made aware of a number of statements which we consider to be incompatible with our values,” the statement read. “In light of this, we can no longer reconcile the balance between freedom of speech and the divisive impact this event is having in our city. We have informed the organizers of the event that the booking will no longer be fulfilled.” “We are proud to represent all communities,” the ACC spokesperson said.

From the mayor of Liverpool.

Heather Patterson writing for a coalition of LGBTQ groups also wrote a letter to the venue.

“Franklin Graham has repeatedly publicly promoted his homophobic beliefs including, but not limited to, brandishing homosexuality a sin, claiming Satan was the architect of same-sex marriage and LGBT rights, claiming gay people existing are causing a ‘moral 911,’ declared that gay people are ‘the enemy’ of civilization and advocates for the highly damaging abusive practice of gay conversion therapy.”


From DEADState

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