Ad Astra: “To the Stars” with Brad Pitt

In essence, Ad Astra is a father-son story told on a cosmic scale....

Brad Pitt stars in “Ad Astra” as Major Roy McBride

It’s no secret Sci-Fi is my favorite genre when it comes to movies, books, TV, comics, games. So why it took me so long to see “Ad Astra” is anyone’s guess– it’s fantastic; it passes one of my “is it a good movie” tests, which is “is it worth seeing again?” The answer is yes, although it’s not just sci-fi–it takes place in space, the space setting and the astronaut culture are essential to the story, but it’s also an archetypal story about fathers, sons and meaning.

Tommy Lee Jones plays Clifford McBride, Astronaut Father of Pitt’s Character

Warning: This is not an action Sci-fi ala Serenity, Aliens or Matrix ; it’s cerebral Sci-fi ala Solaris, Interstellar (same writer and cinematographer) or 2001 A Space Odyssey.

Brad Pitt turns in a controlled and stoic performance–the guy can act; the difference is age, I suppose– watching his wooden performance in (say) a “River Runs Through It” compared with his work here– they could be different people. . . .

There are lots of reviews out there–I like Peter Travers from Rolling Stone:

My pop-culture fanatic sons prefer the A.V. Club HERE: or IndieWire HERE: and Rotten Tomatoes HERE: and if you don’t like reviews, check out the movie anyway — I recommend 😁….