Biden readies plan to finish off Bernie

The ex-veep is expected to highlight how most of the top former 2020 candidates have endorsed him — not Sanders.

Joe Biden has long complained about the crowded debate stage and a restrictive format that doesn’t allow enough time for candidates to speak.

Now, in his one-on-one debate Sunday with Bernie Sanders, he finally gets the debate terms he wanted — and an opportunity to convince Democrats the race is effectively over.

Expectations aren’t high for the former vice president after a series of mediocre debate performances during primary season. The Sanders campaign, among other Biden detractors, views the debate as a chance for him to fall flat on his face, reviving questions about the durability of his candidacy just as Biden is poised to break the race wide open with a four-state sweep in the March 17 primaries.

See Politico for the rest of the story: