Veteran with PTSD Must Choose Between Medical Marijuana and Gun Purchase

A retired Air Force veteran who served ten years and was deployed overseas wants to buy a gun, but claims her rights are being denied because of a federal law that orders disclosure of marijuana use.  She uses medical marijuana legally to treat PTSD in Delaware.  Federal law still considers marijuana a controlled substance and anyone applying to buying a gun is required to say whether or not they are a user.

“I follow doctors orders and state laws,” Kim Petters said.

“Cannabis is the only medication in the entire U.S. that makes you choose between medicine or second amendment rights, and that’s just not fair,” Petters said.

“So if I lie on that form, and say no, I’ve created an entirely different felony, which could land me five years in jail. But if I say yes, I’m denied purchase,” Petters said.

The ATF recently added a reminder of the federal law to the application.  A second amendment lawyer for the Heritage Foundation says lawsuits have failed in the lower courts because of the federal law that supersedes state law, and believes it will take change at the federal level policy to ensure that marijuana users will not have their second amendment rights infringed upon.  For now, Petters has chosen marijuana over the gun purchase, but hopes that will change so that she and other Americans don’t have to make the choice.

“I want the right to feel safe, I want the right to defend myself, I want my second amendment rights that I fought for,” Petters said.

Full article at: WFLA

Article submitted by: PMSwithESP