Graham Harrison ‘debate’- Black people ‘can go anywhere’ in South Carolina: ‘You just need to be conservative.’

Yes, Miss Lindsey brought his dog whistle to Friday’s ‘debate’ and blew it loudly:

“I am asking every African-American out there, look at my record,” he added, referring to his support of historically black colleges and universities. “I care about everybody, if you are a young African-American, an immigrant, you can go anywhere in this state, you just need to be conservative, not liberal.”

-Lindsey Graham

Friday’s debate between Senator Lindsey Graham and his Democratic challenger Jaime Harrison did not happen as originally planned. The candidates were scheduled to take the stage together and hold a traditional debate but Senator Graham refused to take a COVID-19 test before the debate, which resulted in a panel of moderators asking each candidate questions separately.

For his part, Mr. Harrison hammered away on Mr. Graham, calling him “out of touch” and accusing him of prioritizing the confirmation of a new Supreme Court justice over passing a stimulus bill.

  • Each candidate holds a different view on a national mask mandate:
    • Jaime Harrison: “We don’t have walls on the borders of our states,” Harrison said. “My in laws live in Utah, I live here in South Carolina. It is easy for us to get on a plane and fly there, but if I’m taking the coronavirus with me, not only am I impacting the people in that plane, but I’m also impacting the people in the location that I’m going (to), and then those people impact other folks.”
    • Lindsey Graham: Agrees people should wear a mask but has no clue how to enforce a national mandate: “Does the FBI follow us all around?” Graham asked. “I believe in responsibility. So the idea of wearing a mask, count me in. In terms of the national mandate, I don’t know how that works. But if you’re looking for my advice. Wear a mask, wash your hands.”

Read more here:

Watch the debate below; it’s pretty informative. Senator Graham is very close to losing his senate seat that he has held for eighteen years.

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