Pro-militia Michigan Sheriff Refuses to Resign Despite Public and Professional Disapproval

Michigan Sheriff Dar Leaf says he is refusing to resign after appearing to defend the actions of domestic terrorists who were arrested for the attempting kidnapping of Governor Gretchen Whitmer.

A Barry County Commission meeting on Tuesday gave voice to residents who both supported the sheriff as well as those who called on him to resign his position. Of the 40 people who showed up, the majority were there to defend him.

The Barry County Prosecutor, however, sent a statement about Leaf’s comments.

As the chief law enforcement officer for Barry County, I must address the recent statement made by Sheriff Dar Leaf regarding citizen arrests.  His statement should in no way be taken to represent the position of this office or the many selfless, hard-working members of the Barry County law enforcement community.   Sheriff Leaf is not a lawyer, nor is he licensed to practice law in the State of Michigan, yet he inaccurately cited a law that is inapplicable and is meant to aid the very citizens and law enforcement he is sworn to protect.  As a prosecutor, I find this concerning.  There is no logical, legal or ethical basis for statements that defend or condone behavior that threatens the safety of Governor Whitmer, fellow law enforcement, or any other citizen in this country


The Michigan Sheriff’s Association also released a statement condemning the Sheriff’s comments.

The requests for the sheriff to resign may be symbolic. Unless Sheriff Leaf were to resign voluntarily, the removal of the sheriff would require an order from the governor.

Local source here.