Pentagon Blocks Transition Team Visits with Military Spy Agencies, Maddow Explains

The Trump administration is refusing members of Biden’s transition team to meet with U.S. spy agencies that are controlled by the Pentagon, undermining a smooth transition of power, according to current and former U.S. officials.

Those officials say Biden has not been able to meet with the National Security Agency, the Defense Intelligence Agency and other military-run spy services with classified budgets and global espionage platforms. The Defense Department rejected requests from the Biden team to do so despite the General Services Administration clearing the way for transition efforts on November 23.

“The officials said the Biden team has not been able to engage with leaders at the National Security Agency, the Defense Intelligence Agency and other military-run spy services with classified budgets and global espionage platforms,” the newspaper reported. “Current and former officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss a sensitive matter, said the delays have impaired the Biden team’s ability to get up to speed on espionage operations against Russia, China, Iran and other U.S. adversaries.”

Washington Post via MSN

Rachel Maddow broke it down.

“So here we go, right? I mean, we have been wondering and we have been covering on this show in recent days, the question of what Trump has been aiming at with what he’s been doing at the Pentagon. With all the — forgive me — random, junior-level screwballs he has been shoving into high-level positions at the Pentagon since he lost the election. We have been wondering what that was all for. Now it seems like this breaking news tonight at The Washington Post might be part of what this was all about,” Maddow reported.
