Giuliani approached Trump and his legal team about his mounting legal costs…

Giuliani’s attorney, Robert Costello, raised the issue of “compensation” in recent days with lawyers for Trump to help with costs related to Giuliani’s legal issues.

Giuliani’s son said his father was reimbursed for travel-related expenses incurred after the 2020 election, but has not been paid for legal services.

He called on Trump to “take the lead on this one,” adding: “He can be the hero.”

“Once President Trump actually understands that his lead counsel was not indemnified, he’s going to resolve this very quickly,” Andrew Giuliani said on Wednesday.

“The legal costs with him fighting to retain his law license in New York and fighting the Southern District (of New York) on what I think are bogus charges, that should be indemnified,” he said.

Trump is currently sitting on a substantial pile of cash that his campaign operation raised in the weeks following the November election as they solicited contributions for their so-called Election Defense Fund. 

Spokespeople for the former President have not yet responded to request for comment. A lawyer for Trump also declined to comment on Giuliani.

Former NYPD commissioner Bernard Kerik old CNN that his longtime friend and colleague Giuliani “worked for the campaign and the RNC and he should be compensated instead of being ignored.”

“As a result of the mayor’s service to the President and to the country, he has been inundated with frivolous lawsuit and a criminal investigation,” said Kerik. “He has to respond to that and in doing so that is going to take a few million dollars at a minimum.”

“My problem is not with the President,” he said. “My problem is with the campaign, the people who ran the campaign and the people who run the RNC.”

In response to Kerik’s comments, an RNC spokesperson told CNN, “Rudy Giuliani has never worked for the RNC and he has never acted at our direction.”

Kerik, who said he speaks with Giuliani every day, said the former mayor is “doing OK” but is frustrated by incoming lawsuits and the ongoing criminal investigation as “responding to those costs money.”
