No Gaza Ceasefire on the Table, Israel says

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Ongoing updates from the BBC:

  1. Efforts to broker a truce between Israel and Palestinian militants continue, but little progress appears to have been made
  2. “The operation is continuing at full-throttle. There is still no ceasefire on the table,” Israeli defence sources tell the BBC
  3. Hamas officials, meanwhile, say ceasefire efforts “are serious and continuing” but Palestinian demands must be met
  4. New Israeli air strikes hit Gaza overnight as fighting entered a 10th day
  5. At least two militants were killed in strikes on apartment buildings in the territory
  6. Barrages of rockets were also fired into Israel, with Hamas saying it targeted an air base in the south
Airstrikes continue in Gaza.

What’s’ happened so far today:?

If you’re just joining us, here are some of today’s biggest development, as clashes continue between Israel and the Palestinian territory of Gaza:

Smoke and flames are seen following an Israeli air strike on a building, amid a flare-up of Israeli-Palestinian fighting, in Gaza City May 18, 2021. REUTERS/Mohammed Salem
  • Israel has conducted a waves of fresh air strikes in Gaza. Among its targets has been a network of tunnels which Israel says is controlled by the Hamas militant group
  • Meanwhile, militants in Gaza are continuing to launch rocket attacks into Israel – mostly in the country’s south. In the last few hours, several rockets are said to hit Ashdod and Ashkelon, though no casualties have been reported
  • Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said that Israel is fighting to restore quiet, and to maximise the time that any truce with Hamas will last. On the issue of a truce – which many allies of Israel are pressing for – Netanyahu told foreign diplomats he was not “standing with a stopwatch”
  • Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, for his part, has accused Israel of committing war crimes during the conflict. Israel says it only attacks military targets, and has made efforts to prevent civilians casualties (More)

Live updates: The BBC