Pillow Guy Tossed From Republican Governors’ Conference

Mike Lindell apparently invited himself to a Republican Governors’ Conference in Tennessee on Tuesday, but was promptly refused entry.

An RGA official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, said on Tuesday night that Lindell tried to join transportation for members only for a dinner at the Tennessee Governor’s Mansion and was denied. The person added: “These events are for RGA members, and Mike Lindell is not currently an RGA member.”

Earlier on Tuesday, Lindell was a guest on Steve Bannon’s radio war, The War Room, when he said he was planning to confront two governors in particular, Brian Kemp of Georgia, and Doug Ducey of Arizona, about his election fraud conspiracy theories.

Lindell said he was planning on being at the three day event in Nashville, but a few minutes after he collected his credential at the JW Marriott Hotel, an event coordinator in the lobby told him he was not allowed at any of the official RGA events. Lindell decided within minutes of being turned down that he was heading out of Nashville on his private plane.
