GUNZ:Gunmaker subpoenas school records of 9 slain Sandy Hook students and educators; families want records sealed

NEWTOWN – A gunmaker being sued by nine families who lost loved ones in the Sandy Hook shootings has subpoenaed the academic, attendance and disciplinary records of five children killed that day. The subpoena also included requests for school records of four educators who were also killed.

Lawyers for those nine families moved in court Thursday to seal those confidential records of the five slain children and four slain educators because requested by the bankrupted Remington company.

 “The records cannot possibly excuse Remington’s egregious marketing conduct, or be of any assistance in estimating the catastrophic damages in this case. The only relevant part of their attendance records is that they were at their desks on December 14, 2012.”

Dec. 14, 2012, was the day a 20-year-old gunman took his mother’s AR-15-style rifle from an unlocked closet and shot his way into a locked Sandy Hook Elementary School, killing 20 first-graders and six educators.

CT Post:

Article submitted by, ScottInManhattan.