Trump Fears “Justice For J6” is a Setup

Donald Trump has had little to say about the rally planned for Saturday at the Capitol in defense of the “patriots” who rioted there on January 6, but Trump is reportedly shunning the event.

According to the New York Times, Trump is planning to stay far from the rally, instead choosing to attend a golf tournament.

Mr. Trump, aides said, has little interest in engaging with the protest and has no plans to be anywhere near Washington on Saturday. Instead, his schedule includes a golf tournament at his Bedminster, N.J., club before he heads back down to his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida, according to people familiar with his schedule.

Mr. Trump views the planned protest as a setup that the news media will use against him regardless of the outcome, according to people familiar with his thinking.

Marjorie Taylor Greene has also said she will not be attending the rally, but supports the inspiration behind it because “illegal aliens” are treated better than many of the accused rioters.

“There’s a two-track justice system in America, and the treatment of the J6 political prisoners compared with violent antifa/BLM rioters proves it,” she said in a lengthy email statement.

Daily Beast