Trump: ‘Those light bulbs make me look orange.’

While ten, Democratic hopefuls took the stage to discuss real issues the United States and the rest of the world face, Trump went to ‘rat infested’ Baltimore to deliver a speech at the GOP’s retreat.

Of course, he clicked off his usual campaign hits: Hillary Clinton, the 2016 election, fear mongering immigrants, military spending, socialism, the North Carolina elections, Veterans Choice, opioids and the search for nonaddictive painkillers, tax cuts, China trade, “Sleepy Joe” the individual mandate, food stamps, African-American unemployment, Venezuela, “Crazy Bernie,” the Paris climate accords, straws, collusion and judges.

Trump also talked about energy. Apparently, windmills could’ve prevented “Charlie” and his “wife” from watching the Democratic debate because “the goddamn windmill stopped!

He also spoke about his decision to roll back the Obama-era efficiency for lightbulbs because they make him look orange.

“People said what’s with the light bulb? I said here’s the story, and I looked at it: The bulb that we’re being forced to use — No. 1, to me, most importantly, the light’s no good. I always look orange.” 

Trump actually made a factual statement that “compact fluorescent lamps contain hazardous materials, including argon gas and mercury vapor. But these bulbs can easily be disposed of and even recycled, unlike incandescents.”

He actually controlled his impulses and refrained from spewing derogatory comments about Baltimore. Instead, he said that he and other Republicans will “fight for the future of cities like Baltimore which have been destroyed by decades of failed and corrupt rule.”

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