Talk o Tuesday

Talko Tuesday: March 1, 2022

Goooooood morning, News Viewers and welcome to a new month, March. So far it’s a lamb, weatherwise, but we could use some lion after two dry months. Anyway, enjoy your free chat and a break MORE

Last Call

Last Call: February 26, 2022

Gooooood Evening, News Viewers. Let’s take a break from WW3, if possible, and kickback and enjoy the evening. Time goes by really, really fast so…pour your favorite beverage, turn on your favorite tunes, and enjoy MORE

Talk o Tuesday

Talko Tuesday: February 22, 2022

Good morning, News Viewers. Let’s try the date a different way because there is nothing else extremely interesting or more important to do at O’Dark Thirty in the morning. 2-22-22 Check out all those 2s…exciting MORE

Wingnut Watch

Tulsi Gabbard to speak at CPAC

Tulsi Gabbard (Gabbardnov) will join TFG, DeathSantis, Mike Pompeo, and other MAGAts in Florida when the all get together later this week for their yearly Hate Fest known as CPAC. From The Hill: Gabbard’s scheduled MORE