Coffee Talk

Coffee Talk

Good Thursday morning, News Viewers! Our lovely PMS has plopped her butt down on a white, sandy beach somewhere exotic sipping on some adult beverages while you are stuck with me. Life is so not fair MORE

Free Chat Friday

Free Chat Friday, Week 37

Happy Friday News Viewers, welcome again to our Friday open forum where we talk all topics all the time, as long as none of those topics require we act……(what would my mother say?) impolite….😄 I’m MORE

Coffee Talk

Coffee Talk

Good Thursday morning, NewsViewers! Coffee Talk is like Seinfeld — it’s a thread about nothing. Well, not exactly nothing, because it’s about anything, everything, or next to nothing. It’s often about your world and what MORE

Free Range Free Chat

Free Range Free Chat

It’s Monday, News Viewers, and it’s the day following the 9/11 anniversary of the attacks on the WTC, the Pentagon and Pennsylvania in 2001. The same day, super-sniffing dogs arrived to Ground Zero and began MORE

Coffee Talk

Coffee Talk

Good morning, News Viewers, time to wake up and smell the coffee! Unfortunately, of course, first we must make the coffee…. … before we get to drink the coffee. And then, per Coffee Talk protocols, MORE

Talk o Tuesday

Talko Tuesday: September 06, 2022

Good morning, News Viewers, and Happy Tuesday, which feels like a boiled over, sweltering hot Monday. Yes, it’s freaking hot, like Equator hot and I’m over it. So, yesterday some dipshit, ‘Trump Judge’ granted the MORE

Free Range Free Chat

Free Range Free Chat

Happy Monday Sleepy Heads, why in the WORLD are you still in bed? There are things to do and say and avoid — personally, avoiding work sounds like my righteous plan for today.… And because MORE