Most Americans favor allowing undocumented immigrants to stay versus mass deportations

A recent Pew Research poll shows most Americans think the federal government has done a poor job handling “the increased number of people seeking asylum at the U.S.-Mexico border.”  Those polled suggest the government increase the number of judges handling asylum cases and provide safe and sanitary conditions for asylum seekers.

Here is the breakdown on how the government is handling the situation:

  • 65%-very bad.
  • 35%-somewhat bad.
  • Only 33%-godd

***Pew Research Center conducted July 22-Aug. 4 among 4,175 adults.

In just how to handle the situation at the border, more Americans favor increasing judges and tackling the backlog of asylum cases. Americans also want safer and more sanitary conditions for them.

The survey also found that most undocumented immigrants should be allowed to stay, providing they meet certain conditions:

“Nearly three-quarters of Americans (72%) say undocumented immigrants should be allowed to stay in the U.S. legally if certain conditions are met. This is a modest decline from 77% in March 2017, with most of the change occurring among Republicans.”

Of course, many of the issues polled had partisan leanings or support.

For example:

“Majorities in each party say it is at least somewhat important that asylum seekers are provided safe and sanitary conditions once they arrive in the U.S. (91% of Democrats, 73% of Republicans).

However, Democrats are more than twice as likely as Republicans to say providing safe and sanitary conditions for asylum seekers is very important (71% vs. 32%).

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WTF, America?! What the actual F?!