Trump smears companies being crippled by his tariff wars

'Badly run and weak’ in Twitter tirade

Hair Hitler again attempts to shift the blame for his trade policies and minimize the size of his tariffs and their effect on US industry.

In a mid-morning tweet, the president argued that the real problem wasn’t his trade war but the lack of interest rate cuts from the Federal Reserve. He then turned his ire toward businesses who have argued against raising additional tariffs with China and said they have no one but themselves to blame.

Companies all around the world have been reeling from constant hikes in US import taxes, mirrored by China. Many companies have pleaded with Trump to change course.

Earlier this week, more than 200 footwear companies sent the president a letter urging him to not go through with his planned tariff hikes in retaliation against China.

Sources: Independent, Raw Story

Article submitted by: sheltomlee