Judge reinstates Playboy reporter Brian Karem’s press credentials

On Tuesday, a federal judge ordered the reinstatement of Playboy reporter and CNN analyst Brian Karem’s press credentials after the White House revoked them in July. Karem had his credentials suspended following an argument with Sebastian Gorka and a few other goons in the Rose Garden.

Karen filed suit on Monday but received a ruling today: “U.S. District Judge Rudolph Contreras granted Karem’s motion for a preliminary injunction and temporary restraining order, ordering that the White House must reinstate Karem’s press pass while his lawsuit — which argues that the suspension violated his due process and First Amendment rights — is still ongoing.

“Karem has, at this early stage of the proceedings, shown that he is likely to succeed on this due process claim, because the present record indicates that Grisham failed to provide fair notice of the fact that a hard pass could be suspended under these circumstances. Meanwhile, Karem has shown that even the temporary suspension of his pass inflicts irreparable harm on his First Amendment rights,” the judge’s opinion stated, explaining the decision to grant Karem relief.

White House Press Secretary Stephanie (On the Rocks) Grisham disagreed with the judge’s ruling:

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