Moscow Mitch wants ‘something stronger’ than House Syria resolution

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said on Thursday that he was “encouraged” by a House resolution formally opposing President Trump‘s troop drawback but that he wants “something stronger.”
“I believe it’s important that we make a strong forward-looking strategic statement. For that reason my preference would be for something even stronger than the resolution that the House passed yesterday which has some serious weaknesses,” McConnell said from the Senate floor.
The House passed its resolution254-60. But McConnell does not believe the resolution addressed Sunni Arab or Christian communities in Syria and was too “backward-looking.”
“It is curiously silent on the issue of whether to actually sustain a U.S. military presence in Syria, perhaps to spare Democrats from having to go on record on this question. So my first preference is for something stronger than the House resolution,” he added.

Article submitted by, Plainfield2.