Spain to exhume Franco’s remains from state mausoleum

Spain will on Thursday exhume the remains of dictator Francisco Franco from a grandiose state mausoleum near Madrid and relocate them to a more discreet grave in a country still conflicted over his decades-long regime. 

Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez has made moving the remains of “El Caudillo” (The Leader) a priority since coming to power in June 2018, arguing Spain should not “continue to glorify” a man who ruled with an iron fist after the bloody 1936-39 civil war that his Nationalist forces won.
The exhumation operation, 44 years after Franco died, is to begin at 10:30 am (0830 GMT) with only Franco’s relatives and some government officials allowed to attend. The media is to witness it from outside.
Spaniards are divided over the exhumation, with 43 percent in favour of the move and 32.5 percent against, and the rest undecided, according to a poll published earlier this month in daily newspaper El Mundo. […]

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