Trump opens up Camp David as an ‘adult playground’ for GOP lawmakers

So, Mich Mulvaney, the ‘brains’ in the White House, came up with a brilliant idea to open up Camp David ‘as an ‘adult playground’ to woo GOP lawmakers during impeachment.

According to The Washington Post, “Mulvaney and top White House officials have hosted weekend getaways for Republicans at the historic lodge, seeking to butter up Republicans before the big impeachment vote. The casual itinerary includes making s’mores over the campfire, going hiking, shooting clay pigeons and schmoozing with Trump officials, some of whom stay overnight with lawmakers.”

Sometimes during dinner, Trump calls to tell the GOPers what a bigly, great job they’re doing or some other major ass kissing compliments.

The Post also stated that Camp David excursions haven’t been the only neat treats Congressional Republicans have received.

  • Sporting events such the Ultimate Fighting Championship in New York, the World Series in Washington or at the football game in Tuscaloosa, Ala., between the University of Alabama and Louisiana State University.
  • Every Thursday, a hand picked group of GOP senators get to have lunch with Trump. No mention if lunch consists of a self-serve buffet of fast food poison.

In the past, Trump has lashed out at members of his own party, especially those (McCaine, Romney) that he believed did not show him ‘loyalty’ or kissed his ass or criticized him.

Turning Camp David into a GOPer playground is just Trump’s bigly way of showing “his senators” he really appreciates them, especially since they could kick his orange ass to the curb remove him from office after his all but, for sure, impeachment.

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