Obama and Trump Tie as Most Admired of 2019

12 Years Running for #44

Every year since 1948, Gallup has been asking Americans to name the man anywhere in the world they most admire. This year, Trump has tied Obama, who is #1 for the 12th time. Each received 18% of the votes based on a poll between December 2-15. Trump improved from 13% last year.

The remainder of those mentioned received no more than 2% of the vote, and included Jimmy Carter, Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Pope Francis, Bernie Sanders, Adam Schiff, the Dalai Lama, and Warren Buffett.

Michelle Obama is the most admired woman for the second year in a row, with 10% of the votes. Melania Trump was second with half of that, 5%. Oprah Winfrey, Hillary Clinton and Greta Thunberg were chosen by 3%. The others in the top ten among women were Queen Elizabeth II, Nancy Pelosi, Ruth Bader Ginsberg, Elizabeth Warren, Angela Merkel, and Nikki Haley.

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