Methhead carjacks man and his pet goat from Missouri adult video store

Two men stopped at an adult video store in Missouri early Wednesday. The driver of the pickup truck went inside the store while the passenger — and his pet goat — remained in the truck, ultimately falling asleep, the outlet reported.

Brandon Kirby, 40 jumped in the vehicle and took the man and his pet goat through parts of Kansas, Missouri, and Oklahoma while doing meth and occasionally pistol whipping the victim. No word on the pet goat.

Eventually, Kirby dropped the victim and his goat off at the side of the road in Sand Springs, Oklahoma. The victim then called the police and reported the truck stolen to OnStar. The deputies later transported both the victim and his goat to the sheriff’s department.

OnStar magically slowed the stolen vehicle’s speed down to approximately 15mph. Police used “stop sticks” to end the chase. Of course, Kirby did not surrender. Instead, he “jumped out of the car and ran off, dropping a mask and a gun before a deputy found him hiding in tall grass.”

Kirby has a criminal history of felony convictions including assault and burglary. At the time of his arrest, he was wanted on a burglary charge. Now he’s charged with “kidnapping, pointing firearms and felony possession of a firearm.”


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