After failing to repeal ‘Obamacare’ in the Senate but really trying hard in the courts, Trump claims he is the protector of pre-existing conditions the Democratic Party wants to abolish but; they don’t.
In a pair of tweets from Monday, Trump reiterated his claim he would protect people with pre-existing conditions.
Trump’s misspelled tweets come in response to an ad the Michael Bloomberg campaign has ran:
Or this ad:
“Nearly 70 times through Dec. 10, President Trump has falsely claimed he has sought to protect patients with preexisting conditions through his various efforts to eliminate the Affordable Care Act, according to our database of Trump’s false or misleading claims. But these tweets are really something — a virtual traffic jam of false claims.“
Facts vs. Trump’s lies:
- “Mini Mike Bloomberg is spending a lot of money on False Advertising.”
- Trump has repeatedly tried to repeal or weaken the ACA , and “independent experts have concluded the various plans he supported would have weakened coverage for Americans, especially those with preexisting conditions.”
- “I was the person who saved Pre-Existing Conditions in your Healthcare, you have it now …”
- False. Trump had nothing to do with the ACA, signed into law by President Barack Obama in 2010.
- “… while at the same time winning the fight to rid you of the expensive, unfair and very unpopular Individual Mandate …”
- The mandate still exists but the tax penalty doesn’t.
- “… if Republicans win in court and take back the House of Representatives, your healthcare, that I have now brought to the best place in many years, will become the best ever, by far.”
- The Supreme Court ruled years ago the ACA was constitutional. The new cases that Trump backs claim that since “the tax penalty has been eliminated, the basis for saying the law is constitutional has been made null and void.”
- “I will always protect your Pre-Existing Conditions, the Dems will not!”
- Not only did The Washington Post call Trump out for this blatant lie, they deemed the claim, lunacy based on all the explanations provided above.
The Pinocchio Test:
“This traffic jam of false claims ends up in a crash worthy of Four Pinocchios.”