Ohio pediatrician receives death threats over a pro-vaccine video

Ohio pediatrician, Dr. Nicole Baldwin and her staff, posted a video about the benefits of vaccines on the social media platform TikTok.

She emphasized that vaccinating your kids will not cause them to develop autism; a claim that has been debunked time and time again. Regardless, “a recent poll found that 46% of Americans are still unsure about the debunked theory. A Gallup poll from 2019 reports that 16% of parents with children under the age of 18 believe vaccines flat out cause more harm than good. “

“We know that vaccines don’t cause autism, and it’s important for that message to get out there.”

Since posting the video, Dr. Baldwin and staff have received numerous harassing phone calls, including death and threats of closing down her practice.

One online user labeled her “Public Enemy #1” while another commented that the pediatrician should “stop killing our kids with vaccines.”

Commenters across Baldwin’s social media platforms insulted her, referred to vaccines as “poison” and suggested Baldwin was being paid to promote vaccination. One commenter wrote, “Dead doctors don’t lie.” People then flocked to her Yelp and Google Review pages, leaving one-star reviews in an attempt to sabotage Baldwin’s ratings. 

“I have been the subject of a tsunami of negative comments on all of my social media.”

Baldwin says the experience won’t stop her from trying to get out the message that vaccines are safe. 

“There will be more TikToks to come,” Baldwin said.



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WTF, America?! What the actual F?!