Trump’s plan for the Mideast could give Israel sovereignty over much of Jordan Valley

Donnie predicted Palestinians would support the plan to be unveiled Tuesday, a claim experts dismissed.

The plan, which includes a map outlining proposed new Israeli borders, provides for Israeli sovereignty over much of the Jordan Valley, a strategic area on the eastern frontier of the West Bank abutting Jordan, a person familiar with the proposal said. It was developed under the oversight of the president’s son-in-law and senior adviser, Jared Kushner, and conditions greater Palestinian autonomy on demilitarization and recognition of Israeli as a Jewish state, according to the person.
Palestinian leaders, who no longer speak to Trump officials, are likely to oppose each of those elements, even if they are combined with the economic rewards of $50 billion or more that the Trump administration says it can deliver. That is why many analysts say the plan is relevant mainly for its potential effect on Israel’s March 2 election, which is likely to decide the fate of the embattled Mr. Netanyahu, and as a distraction from the Senate’s impeachment trial of Mr. Trump.
Article submitted by Great Gazoo.